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He began producing his first online content in 2008, co-directing the French community of guitar hero Joe Satriani, for which he produced interviews, tablatures and gear tests, as well as his first videos and blog posts in 2011.


This experience led him to interview Joe Satriani, as well as John Petrucci and Uli John Roth for G3. This gave him his foot in the door as a content creator and pushed him to work ever harder on his instrument, until he opened his own Youtube channel a few years later.


Building on his experience, he created his YouTube channel in 2014, first covering songs, then specializing in educational content and tutorials. The videos speak to many budding guitarists and open up to the general public. He collaborates with other youtubers such as Fabien Olicard in a video on the absolute ear.


As the channel grew, so did the number of musical and interdisciplinary collaborations with popular science creators such as Science de Comptoir, Superama, Science4All, Mr Phi and Osons Causer.

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